Sunday, August 21, 2011


Its been a long time since I last posted and a lot has happened . I am sitting in my room at my home not wanting to leave and go to my college for my last year. I had my training last semester and it was an awesome experience and I realized it does not matter what others think of you as long as you know what you are. This holds true for everything in life academics, beliefs, your character everything. I can not turn bad if somebody talks bad about me and neither will I turn into an extremely good person if somebody says so, I will be exactly the same person no matter what others think about me, so why bother what anybody thinks about me, nobody can change me and I can not change others too, so just be yourself and let go of things..... life is much simpler and happier that ways. You just have to stay emotionally aloof from most of the people mixing only with a few handful who would never want to change you and who has never thought negative of you and never ever give anybody the power to control you emotionally and mentally. So with these thoughts, though unwillingly I will leave for my college expecting my life to be a little better than it was earlier. And I will be thankful to god for such wonderful family and friends back home and just be happy......